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24 Tips for Traveling With Children (Child Mind Institute)


24 Tips for Traveling With Children - This article discusses how to make flights and road trips easier for children with autism, anxiety, and other challenges.

What You'll Learn:

  • How can families help kids with special needs prepare for air travel?
  • What are some ways to make road trips easier for kids with special needs?
  • How can families make hotel stays work for kids with special needs?

Hidden Disabilities Sunflower - Some disabilities, conditions or chronic illnesses are not immediately obvious to others. For some people, this can make it hard to understand and believe that someone, with a “non-visible” condition genuinely needs support. Some people question whether you have a disability because you don’t look "like you have a disability".

That is why we created the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower - to encourage inclusivity, acceptance and understanding.

It is a simple tool for you to share that you have a hidden disability voluntarily. Simply by wearing the Sunflower, you’re just letting everyone know that you might need extra help, understanding, or just more time.


Behavior Family Engagement